Campylobacter gracilis
Taxon Description:
In 1981 four species were recognized as comprising what had previously been called Bacteroides corrodens [5]. one of these organisms was called Bacteroides gracilis but based upon 16S rRNA analysis the organism was transferred to the genus Campylobacter [2].
Disease Associations:
Campylobactrer gracilis is a member of Socransky's Orange Complex and is associated with periodontal disease [3]. It has been recoved from primary endodontic infections [4]. It is occasionally isolated from systemic infections [1].
Prevalence and Source:
Campylobacter gracilis is a common member of subgingival plaque. 16S rRNA cloning studies indicate that it is generally the most common oral Campylobacter species identified.
In 1981 four species were recognized as comprising what had previously been called Bacteroides corrodens [5]. one of these organisms was called Bacteroides gracilis but based upon 16S rRNA analysis the organism was transferred to the genus Campylobacter [2].
Disease Associations:
Campylobactrer gracilis is a member of Socransky's Orange Complex and is associated with periodontal disease [3]. It has been recoved from primary endodontic infections [4]. It is occasionally isolated from systemic infections [1].
Prevalence and Source:
Campylobacter gracilis is a common member of subgingival plaque. 16S rRNA cloning studies indicate that it is generally the most common oral Campylobacter species identified.
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[1] Siqueira JF Jr, Rôças IN. Campylobacter gracilis and Campylobacter rectus in primary endodontic infections. Int Endod J.2003 Mar;36(3):174-80
[2] Tanner ACR, Badger S, Lai CH, Listgarten MA, Visconti RA, Socransky SS. Wolinella gen. nov., Wolinella succinogenes (Vibrio succinogenes Wolin et al.) comb. nov., and description of Bacteroides gracilis sp. nov., Wolinella recta sp.nov., Campylobacter concisus sp. nov., a Int J Syst Bacteriol. 1981 31:432-445
[3] Socransky SS, Haffajee AD, Cugini MA, Smith C, Kent RL Jr. Microbial complexes in subgingival plaque. J Clin Periodontol.1998 Feb;25(2):134-44
[4] Johnson CC, Reinhardt JF, Edelstein MA, Mulligan ME, George WL, Finegold SM. Bacteroides gracilis, an important anaerobic bacterial pathogen. J Clin Microbiol.1985 Nov;22(5):799-802
[5] Vandamme P, Daneshvar MI, Dewhirst FE, Paster BJ, Kersters K, Goossens H, Moss CW. Chemotaxonomic analyses of Bacteroides gracilis and Bacteroides ureolyticus and reclassification of B. gracilis as Campylobacter gracilis comb. nov. Int J Syst Bacteriol.1995 Jan;45(1):145-52