16S rRNA RefSeq: V15.23    Genomic RefSeq: V10.1
HOMD 16S rRNA Sequence Identification
BLAST Program and Database:
Reset to Defaults
Program: BLASTN
Database Choices:
Upload your 16S rRNA Sequences:
Copy and paste sequence(s) below, preferably in FASTA format:
Or upload a sequence file from your computer:
**Spamguard Code:  BMN 
Please type in the Spamguard Code: (case insensitive)
(Note1: Multiple sequences can be uploaded, please check examples on sequence formats and restrictions.)
(Note2: Current upload limit is 500 sequences or 1.5 MB filesize.)

Add Optional Blast Parameters:
Expect:       Maximum Target Sequences:
This tool identifies the closest matches of 16S rRNA sequences submitted by users among the HOMD or other 16S rRNA gene sequences. The sequence search is based on the NCBI BLASTN version 2.13.0+ [DETAIL]