HOMD Banner
16S rRNA RefSeq: V15.23    Genomic RefSeq: V10.1
BLAST Against HOMD Genomes
To BLAST against all HOMD genomes at once go to: Genome BLAST Server
BLAST Program and Database:
BLAST Program: Nucleic Acid (BLASTN) Protein (BLASTP)
Database Choices:
Reset to Defaults
Annotation: NCBI PROKKA
Choose Another Genome:
BLAST Against "2016" Genome Sequence
Copy and paste sequence(s) below, preferably in FASTA format:
Or upload a sequence file from your computer:
**Spamguard Code:  HCP 
Please type in the Spamguard Code: (case insensitive)
(Note1: Multiple sequences can be uploaded, please check examples on sequence formats and restrictions.)
(Note2: Current upload limit is 500 sequences or 1.5 MB filesize.)

Add Optional Blast Parameters:
Expect:       Maximum Target Sequences:
The sequence search is based on the NCBI BLAST version 2.13.0+ [DETAIL]