

Forsyth Bioinformatics

BLAST-Based Open-Reference 16S sRNA NGS
Species-Level Read Assignment Pipeline With QIIME Results
CodeCategoryMinimal read count per species (MC)
(Click for detail report)
MC1 (All)MC10MC100
ATotal reads2,797,8372,797,8372,797,837
BTotal assigned reads2,270,9782,270,9782,270,978
CAssigned reads in species with read count < MC01,83713,816
DAssigned reads in samples with read count < 500000
ETotal samples222222
FSamples with reads >= 500222222
GSamples with reads < 500000
HTotal assigned reads used for analysis (B-C-D)2,270,9782,269,1412,257,162
IReads assigned to single species1,155,8851,155,3151,148,669
JReads assigned to multiple species1,089,2871,088,9601,085,852
KReads assigned to novel species25,80624,86622,641
LTotal number of species1,139573248
MNumber of single species503330167
NNumber of multi-species23714563
ONumber of novel species3999818
PTotal unassigned reads526,859526,859526,859
QChimeric reads76,73776,73776,737
RReads without BLASTN hits1,3561,3561,356
SOthers: short, low quality, singletons, etc.448,766448,766448,766
2.View all original read count by samples
3.All data can be downloaded in a compressed ZIP file ZIP file
4.All data are also available on the FTP site for 30 days
5.Please read DOCUMENTATION (pdf)
6.Preferred web browser: Google Chrome or FireFox, especially for 2D and 3D plots
7.Contact: George Chen, Email: tchen\@forsyth.org for questions