

Forsyth Bioinformatics

BLAST-Based Open-Reference 16S sRNA NGS
Species-Level Read Assignment Pipeline With QIIME Results
CodeCategoryMinimal read count per species (MC)
(Click for detail report)
MC1 (All)MC10MC100
ATotal reads611,225611,225611,225
BTotal samples404040
CSamples with reads ≥ 3000 reads (S≥3000)404040
DSamples with reads < 3000 reads (S<3000)000
EReads in samples S≥3000611,225611,225611,225
FReads in samples S<3000 (removed)000
GTotal reads assigned574,296572,289562,037
HReads assigned to single species542,535541,711534,534
IReads assigned to multiple species7,9827,8757,402
JReads assigned to novel species23,77922,70320,101
KNumber of single species661425236
LNumber of multi-species44209
MNumber of novel species42111426
NTotal reads unassigned36,92938,93649,188
OReads excluded (<MC)02,00712,259
PChimeric reads172172172
QReads without BLASTN hits184184184
RSingleton reads36,57336,57336,573
2.View all read count by samples
3.All data can be downloaded in a compressed ZIP file ZIP file
4.All data are also available on the FTP site for 30 days
5.Please read DOCUMENTATION (pdf)
6.Preferred web browser: Google Chrome or FireFox, especially for 2D and 3D plots
7.Contact: George Chen, Email: tchen\@forsyth.org for questions