Oct 6 17:29:44 Will run velvet optimiser with the following paramters: Velveth parameter string: -shortPaired -fastq -separate SRR413299_1.fastq SRR413299_2.fastq Velveth start hash values: 19 Velveth end hash value: 31 Velveth hash step value: 2 Velvetg minimum coverage cutoff to use: 0 Read tracking for final assembly off. Oct 6 17:29:44 ********************************************************** Optimum value of cutoff is 107.44 Took 13 iterations Oct 6 18:46:51 Final optimised assembly details: ******************************************************** Assembly id: 7 Assembly score: 2194048 Velveth timestamp: Oct 6 2015 17:37:36 Velvetg timestamp: Oct 6 2015 18:46:51 Velveth version: 1.2.09 Velvetg version: 1.2.09 Readfile(s): -shortPaired -fastq -separate SRR413299_1.fastq SRR413299_2.fastq Velveth parameter string: auto_data_31 31 -shortPaired -fastq -separate SRR413299_1.fastq SRR413299_2.fastq Velvetg parameter string: auto_data_31 -clean yes -exp_cov 252 -cov_cutoff 107.197160276609 Assembly directory: /mnt/bioinfohd1/tsute/collaboration/Margaret_Duncan/2013_W50_Seq/velvetoptimizer/auto_data_31 Velvet hash value: 31 Roadmap file size: 551169575 Total number of contigs: 365 n50: 35560 length of longest contig: 141995 Total bases in contigs: 2227915 Number of contigs > 1k: 106 Total bases in contigs > 1k: 2194048 Paired Library insert stats: Paired-end library 1 has length: 254, sample standard deviation: 76 Paired-end library 1 has length: 254, sample standard deviation: 76 **********************************************************