16S rRNA RefSeq: V15.23    Genomic RefSeq: V10.1
eHOMD 4.0 is available for preview - Feedback welcome
eHOMD provides comprehensive curated information on bacteria in the human mouth and aerodigestive tract, including the pharynx, nasal passages, sinuses and esophagus. There are 774 oral bacterial species. 58% are officially named, 16% unnamed but cultivated and 26% are known only as uncultivated phylotypes. eHOMD taxonomy provides a provisional naming scheme for the currently unnamed taxa, based on the 16S rRNA sequence phylogeny, so that strain, clone and probe data from any laboratory can be directly linked to a stably named reference scheme.
Click on the menu items above or the tabs below for more resources:
Taxon Table
Taxon Description
Dynamic Taxon Hierarchy
Genome Table
JBrowse Genome Viewer
Genomic Trees
Genomic BLAST
16S rRNA RefSeq
16S rRNA RefSeq Tree
Download 16S rRNA RefSeq

Andrew Voorhis, Fabiola Miranda-Sanchez, Floyd E. Dewhirst, Jessica Mark Welch, Kathryn Kauffman, Stéphane Viala, Susan Yost, Tsute Chen, William G. Wade.

Past Contributors:
Abby Lakshmanan, Akila Ganesan, Alexandra Rybalka, Alice Kirega, Anne Tanner, Anuj Camanocha, Bruce J. Paster, Cori Leonetti, Derek Spencer, Derrick Fouts, Emmanuel Mongodin, Erica Prosdocimi, Erin Klein, Griffin Weigle, Hayley Thompson, Isabel Fernandez Escapa, Jacques Izard, Jessica Blanton, Katherin P. Lemon, Larry Yang, Maoxuan Lin, Mollie Murname, Nezar Al-hebshi, Oxana Baranova, Prasad Gajare, Sonia Vartoukian, Taylor Joyce, Wen-Han Yu, Yanmei Huang.

This Project Is Supported By:
Grant: RO1-DE016937; "A Foundation for the Oral Microbiome and Metagenome" from The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.

Copyright 2007-2022, The Forsyth Institute
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